• حکیمان نور
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  • حکیمان نور
  • حکیمان نور
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  About the clinic

"Vision is the way by which the humans interact with the world and the eye is the main means of communication."
"Hakiman Noor Surgery Center" is one of the largest specialized eye surgery centers in the northwest of Iran. It is established in 2002 with the presence of experienced and sympathetic professors. This clinic has extensive and advanced facilities of the world and it has begun its medical activities in the field of ophthalmology and has always offered its ideal and high quality medical services in the field of ophthalmology to all classes of the people living in East Azerbaijan province and neighboring provinces and also neighboring countries. It is located in the best part of Tabriz metropolis.  Summary of its services are mentioned as follows:
1. Para-clinic Department: it contains the most advanced diagnostic and therapeutic devices including angiography, OCT, Perimetry, Argon and Yag laser. They are very useful for diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases.


2. Refractive Surgery Department: Activities in this department have aimed to resolve the refractive problems of the patients. It has the most advanced and up-to-date device in the world called "Technolas device". The first stage of scanning is done through an Abrometry and Pentacam and ORA. The patient information is directly transmitted from the two devices to the technolace device. The specialist also performs lasic operation based on the relevant information prepared by the operator.

3. Biometry department: it is used to measure intraocular lens power before cataract surgery. Also, the measurements are performed with the Alkan device and IOLMASTERLENSTAR900.

4. Computerized Perimeter Device: it is used for determining the patients' field of vision.
5. The operation rooms of this center are designed like the operating rooms of the developed countries so that the surgeon will perform the surgery in a calm place with the presence of experienced anesthesiologist and nurses. The operation rooms are equipped with the most advanced and well-equipped phaco and endolysers - deep and anterior vitrectomy - ceiling - ground microscopes and central medical gases. Patients in this centre are admitted in the form of DAY-CARE and are operated and discharged the same day.
6. Reception, discharging and accounting units are equipped with a computer system and provide patients the networked and mechanized services and also the admission is equipped with an appointment system.
7. The center complies with tariffs and medical costs within the law and cooperates with complementary insurers in all contracting entities and provides official tariffs for patients. This clinic offers special facilities for patients of the neighboring countries considering reception and clearance conditions.

Managing Director: Dr. Mohammad Reza Aminpour
Chairman: Dr. Abdollah Shenasi
Board Member: Dr. Mahmoud Nateghi
Technical Officer: Dr. Karim Sadeghi
Hospital Internal Management: Mr. Seyyed Qasem Eshaghi
 Metron: Ms. Tasavofi